Vision& Mission



Interiorizing development, growth and sharing as our core  principle,since the day our company was established

Being a pioneer of bringing new ideas into action in this field

Carrying the position we gaing a leadined to upper levels in shipyard an shipping

Serving as a model with our services

Being  a leading company.




Making sure both our employees and customers feel specials themselves, excite, trust themselves and enjoy their moment, by means of our services and products.

Being an open organization to criticism and learning with a participatory, fair and democratic management.

Supporting the team spirit, creating and whetting synergy among employees by having a peaceful work environment.

Our priority is creating values and fulfilling the expectation of our customers with quality and stabilization. Looking out of our products and giving after sales support our customers are our mission.

Detecting the demand and expectation of the market by working customer-oriented, being able to develop marketing strategies and new courses of action, being dynamic, being a prestigious, stable, powerful, honest and trustworthy corporation.

Not compromising on quality of services and products, by being result oriented.